Managing Schedule/Bookings Reinventing The Tattoo

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Managing Schedule/Bookings

Posted by on 03.08.16

Ok guys, how do you manage your schedules?

Here is what happened to me: around october of 2015, i opened up my bookings, and very fast i was fully booked until the end of june 2016. What does that mean? That means that I cant travel or program anything during all this time. Imediately I closed the bookings, and started a wait list (that have 125 people at the moment). I REALLY want to start traveling more (my only real "tattoo trip" was for the WWTC in Venice, amazing btw), to meet other tattooers, make guest spots, share experience, etc etc. I have a private studio where I work alone and my girl takes care of my schedule for me.

Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? Maybe open the bookings every 2 months, I dont know! 


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